Lead in Drinking Water Grant for Schools and Child Care Centres
To support schools and child care centres in protecting children from the harmful effects of lead, the Manitoba government created the Lead in Drinking Water Grant. Funds are available until March 31, 2025 and can be used by schools and child care centres to test drinking water for lead and carry out mitigation work (e.g., plumbing work, filters for drinking water taps, etc.) where test results are above the national guideline.
All eligible schools and child care centres are strongly encouraged to participate.
For more information about the grant, visit: Lead in Drinking Water Grant
Where lead levels are above the national guideline, immediate action should be taken to reduce exposure. For more information on how to interpret test results and take corrective actions, visit: Corrective Actions for Schools, Child Care Centres and Large Buildings.
Schools and Child Care Centres Testing and Mitigation Progress Update
Manitoba schools and child care centres have been working diligently to test their drinking water taps for lead and address problems, should they arise. A significant number have had no issues with lead, and the vast majority of schools that did have lead levels above the national guidelines have already taken action to address the problem.
Schools and child care centres are encouraged to share information with their communities about their lead in drinking water results and the corrective actions taken. For support in communicating this information, please see:
Addressing lead is an ongoing effort, and schools continue to test, mitigate and monitor their drinking water for lead. In 2023, public schools in Manitoba reported on the progress of their testing and mitigation efforts to Environment and Climate Change. A summary of self-reported results as of May 1, 2023 is below:
For individual school or school division progress, visit: Manitoba Public Schools: Lead Testing and Mitigation Results (2023) or Écoles publiques du Manitoba: Résultats des analyses et des mesures d’atténuation (2003). This link summarizes (1) whether an individual school has undertaken testing, (2) whether any test results were elevated, and (3) whether mitigation activities have been completed for taps with elevated results. The school testing and mitigation results will be updated periodically as schools update their progress. Independent school and child care centre results will be posted in 2024.
Schools or school divisions may have additional information available on their websites.
Further Information
For schools and child care centres:
For parents and caregivers:
If you have any questions, please consult or reach out to one of the resources below:
For questions related to the Lead in Drinking Water Grant:
Manitoba Environmental Industries Association
For health-related concerns:
For more information, visit Manitoba Health’s Be Lead Aware site: https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/offices.html
If you have any health concerns about lead exposures, you can:
For questions on the status of testing and mitigation:
For information on testing, correction action and mitigation work conducted at your school, contact your school division or school:
Manitoba School Divisions and Districts - https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/schools/sb_contacts.html
Schools in Manitoba - https://web.gov.mb.ca/school/school?action=top_page
For other Inquiries:
Office of Drinking Water