Commercial Development and Special Consideration Organizations

Winnipeg Office Relocated

New address:
Manitoba Parks
Cottaging & Commercial Program
258 Portage Ave - 4th Floor (Box 51)
Winnipeg MB,  R3C 0B6

Contact Information:
General Email: 
General Phone: 204-945-4545

NOTE: Walk-up service is unavailable at 258 Portage Ave; please contact us to make an appointment. We are unable to accept payments made by cash or credit at 258 Portage. Cheques will be accepted.

Manitoba Parks - Commercial Program is responsible for the administration of commercial operators who provide important services in provincial parks all across Manitoba. The commercial program currently administers approximately 366 commercial files in all provincial parks. Commercial operations may include equipment rental, food vendors, gas services, accommodation services and golf courses. 

Typically, commercial operators on Crown land in provincial parks enter into a lease agreement called a Parks Controlled Miscellaneous Lease (PCML) or maintain an annual permit called a Parks Controlled General Permit (PCGP).

The following is the standard commercial lease template.

Standard Commercial Lease - Template
Parks Controlled General Permit - Template

Note: Specific provisions of a lease or conditions of a permit are included to reflect the specific commercial operation.

If you are a current lessee or permittee and are looking to change the provisions of your lease or conditions of your permit, please contact Manitoba Parks – Commercial Section directly either by phone or email.  
Reasons for amendments may include:

  • Boundary changes
  • Operation changes
  • New and/or Expanding business opportunities (e.g., adding a food concession area, adding firewood sales to the business, spa services etc.)
  • Existing business area amendments or modifications (e.g., adding additional fuel pumps/storage tanks, marina development, etc.)

Program Updates and Additional Information

Manitoba provincial park invoices for 2024/25 are being prepared and will be sent to clients towards the end of January 2025. Please see the Provincial Park Annual Invoicing – Additional Information and Frequently Asked Questions document for more information.

Manitoba water level and flow measurements are taken throughout waterways contributing to the hydroelectric system. These level readings are from hydrometric gauging stations managed by Manitoba Hydro and Water Survey of Canada. Level readings around the Winnipeg River system can be found on Manitoba Hydro’s external webpage via the following link: Water levels & flows (

Business Opportunities in Parks - New Notice

In order to operate a business in a provincial park, an individual must obtain authorization from the Department, which is typically in the form of a lease, permit or letter of authorization. When opportunities become available in provincial parks, Manitoba Parks - Commercial Program routinely posts on a Manitoba tendering portal called MERX.

The department is committed to an open and fair tendering process and this portal provides equal opportunity for individuals to submit a proposal for a business opportunity in Parks. To access current tenders, please visit the link below.

Link: MERX : Find New Contracts, Bids & Tenders for Canadian Businesses

Firewood and/or Concession Opportunity – Manitoba’s Northern Provincial Parks

Description: Manitoba Parks requires a vendor service to supply and sell firewood with the possibility of additional or extended concession services to park patrons from May to September, for the following provincial park campgrounds:

  • Bakers Narrows Provincial Park: Located 20 kms south of Flin Flon, MB, offers 97 campsites and 6 yurts. Bakers Narrows Provincial Park would utilize approximately 100 cords of firewood per camping season.
  • Wekusko Falls Provincial Park: Located approximately 16 kms south of Snow Lake, MB, offers 113 campsites. Wekusko Falls Provincial Park would utilize approximately 80 cords of firewood per camping season. (NOTE: firewood vendor only for this location – no food service opportunity).
  • Grass River Provincial Park: Located approximately 115 km North of The Pas, MB, East off of HWY #10 to HWY #39, offers 3 Campgrounds. Gyles has 55 campsites, Iskwasum has 51 campsites and Reed Lake has 58 campsites. Grass River Provincial Park would utilize approximately 80 cords of firewood per camping season. (NOTE: firewood vendor only for this location – no food service opportunity).
  • Clearwater Lake Provincial Park: Located approximately 20 km north of The Pas, MB, offers 110 campsites at the Campers Cove campground. Clearwater Lake would utilize approximately 100 cords of firewood per camping season.

Proponents can bid on one park or multiple parks but the park or parks being bid on must be indicated in the proposal.

For more information, please visit: Firewood And Or Concession Opportunities For Northern Provincial Parks - 7602-2025/26 | MERX
Solicitation Number: 7602-2025/26
Closing Date: February 7, 2025 @ 2:00 PM CST

Have a business idea?

If you are interested in proposing a business idea within one of Manitoba’s provincial parks, you may submit a Business Proposal Intake Form. Once completed, forms are to be emailed to Manitoba Park’s Commercial Section at

Once submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement email. Parks staff will record and table your proposal for the next scheduled review. Manitoba Parks typically conducts reviews on a quarterly basis. Once a review is complete, you will receive a response.

Development Application Information

Developing on a Commercial Lot

A Site Plan Permit is required for the construction of a new building, alteration or addition to an existing building or structure, on a lot or on a public reserve area within a Provincial Park. To obtain a site plan permit, you must submit a Site Plan Permit Application to Manitoba Parks. For more information on the application process, please see the application guide below.

The Site Plan Permit Application form can be found within the Development Application Package below.

Building Permit Applications – Inspection Technical Services Manitoba

As the jurisdiction having authority, Manitoba Parks determines when a building permit is required. Inspection Technical Services (ITS) Manitoba, issues building permits on behalf of Manitoba Parks. In general, a building permit is required if your structure is greater than 108 square feet. Building permit applications may also require a Letter of Assurance form (Part A and B). Should you have any questions or wish to obtain more information about a Building Permit Application, Letter of Assurance or Plumbing Permit Application, you may call ITS at 204-945-3322 or visit online at the following link: Province of Manitoba Inspection and Technical Services

ITS Permit form are available online via the following link:  Labour, Consumer Protection and Government Services - Bulletins, Guides and Forms

Onsite Wastewater Management Systems

If you are considering a new installation or alteration to an existing Onsite Wastewater Management System (OWMS), please check the OWMS Program website to find information on regulatory requirements, design and installation standards, and registration forms. You can also contact your local Environment Officer if you have any questions or require assistance. Information regarding the use or care of your OWMS can be found on the website and in the Homeowner's Manual for Onsite Wastewater Management Systems

Searches and Assignments

If you are considering selling, transferring or adding a name to a commercial lease or permit, you will be required to submit an assignment application form. Prior to engaging the assignment process, it is recommended that you submit a Search Request form to Manitoba Parks. Search results will provide information for the lease or permit, including the annual fees, outstanding work orders, collateral recordings, specific operational and maintenance provisions applicable to the lease or permit, etc.

Search Requests

Lawyers, Relators and Financial Institutions may act on behalf of a lessee or permittee and may submit a Search Request Form for the following reasons:

  • Commercial Lease  or Permit Status Update
  • Purpose of/for Sale Agreement
  • Collateral Recording Status/Update
  • Inquires for Building Liens

All realtors representing the Lessee must provide a copy of the Realtor Sales Agreement.

Requestors that are not representing the lessee or permittee will only be provided search results if they are a legal representative of a purchaser or collateral holder.

Once processed, search results will be provided in the following format: Search Results Sample

If you or your client has misplaced or lost your original parks controlled miscellaneous lease (PCML), a new certificate copy of the lease agreement can be requested by completing an Affidavit of Loss of Lease form. Once complete, please mail the request form along with payment (cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance) to Manitoba Parks – Commercial Section, 258 Portage Ave – 4th Floor (Box 51), Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0B6.

Assignment of a Lease or Permit

Manitoba Parks considers there to be four types of Assignments:

  1. Assignment (Standard) -  upon sale of the commercial business or to add/remove a name from a lease or permit
  2. Assignment (Financial) - to register a collateral recording for security purposes
  3. Assignment (Death – Joint Tenants) - to remove an individual from the lease or permit due to a death, where the lease or permit is held as Joint Tenants
    • Where the lease or permit is held as Tenants in Common or Sole lessee/permittee – please refer to Assignment (standard) process
  4. Assignment (Share Transfer Agreement) – where there has been a change or alteration in the allocation of share (%) or a change in the Officers/Directors within the Corporation  

To avoid delays, it is important to know which Assignment type you are submitting an application for. Please ensure the necessary forms, supplementary information and documents are enclosed as part of the Assignment application package.

Assignments within Asessippi Cottage Cove follow the same process as outlined below, but require a different application form. Please use the Asessippi Cottage Cove Assignment Application Form for standard assignments and the Asessippi Cottage Cove Assignment Security Purposes Application Form for collateral recordings.

The checklist below provides information on required documents for each type of assignment. Prior to the processing of an assignment, all outstanding fees owing must be paid in full. When a sale occurs, it is the responsibility of the Assignor (current lessee) to provide the original lease to the Assignee (purchaser).

Assignment (Standard) - $40.00 Fee

In the case of death (tenant in common or sole lessee/permittee), the following documents are required in addition to those listed above:

  • Assignment Application (in duplicate on legal size paper – no photocopies)
  • An original or notarized copy of the will and testament, death certificate or funeral directors statement and grant of probate/letters administration
  • Change in articles of corporation document (obtained from The Companies Office)

Assignment (Financial) - $40.00 Fee

Note: For information on collateral recording discharges, please see the Additional Program Information drop down.

Assignment (Joint Tenants/Death) - $40.00 Fee

  • Assignment Application (in duplicate on legal size paper – no photocopies)
  • An original or notarized copy of Death Certificate or funeral directors statement
  • Copy of the Notification of Officer/Director Change for the corporation/business (obtained from The Companies Office)
  • Cheque for Assignment Fee (payable to the Minister of Finance)

Assignment (Share Transfer) - $40.00 Fee

Private Lands in Parks

For the sale of privately owned lot within a Provincial Park a copy of new Title obtained through Manitoba Land Titles, must be submitted to Manitoba Parks. 

Lease Renewals

Typically, a commercial operator on Crown land in a provincial park would enter into a lease agreement called a Parks Controlled Miscellaneous Lease (PCML). Each lease agreement will set out an expiry date of the agreement and in some cases; contain provisions that allow for a renewal of one additional term. Lease terms are typically 5, 10, or 21 years.

Depending on what term a lease agreement is currently in, the lessee will enter into either a:

  • Renewal Term; or a
  • New Lease Agreement

Renewal Term

In accordance with the lease agreement, a lessee is required to provide notice in writing to the Crown of its request to renew the agreement at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of the agreement.  To help facilitate this process, Manitoba Parks will endeavour to send the lessee an email approximately 10 months prior to expiry of the lease term, and provide the lessee with a Lease Renewal Application Form.

Once received, the lessee is required to complete and return this form to Manitoba Parks to engage the lease renewal process. As part of the renewal process, Parks staff will typically conduct a site inspection of the leased premises.

New Lease Agreement

Provided that there have been no uncured default by the Lessee at the end of the Lease Renewal Term, the Crown may, in its sole discretion, enter into a new Lease Agreement with the Lessee.

Manitoba Parks will deal with those lease agreements with no renewal provision on a case-by-case basis.

Note: For commercial lots that are not surveyed, Manitoba Parks may be providing direction to lessees to have un-surveyed lots surveyed as part of the renewal process or prior to entering into a new lease agreement.

Manitoba Parks will provide further direction regarding lot survey requirements on a case-by-case basis.

Overview of Standard Renewal Process

  • Lease expiry reminder sent to lessee
  • Lessee submits application form to Manitoba Parks
  • Parks staff processes application form and conducts files review
    • Parks staff conducts site inspection (if applicable)
  • Manitoba Parks advises lessee of any issues or concerns
    • Letter of Commitment prepared (if applicable)
  • Manitoba Parks prepares lease agreement for signature (2 copies)
  • Lessee returns signed lease agreement (2 copies)
  • Manitoba Parks executes lease agreement
  • Lessee to receive an executed copy of lease agreement

Lease Surrender

Should a Lessee not wish to renew their lease or surrender their lease mid term, please see the additional program information tab below.