Events and Deadlines

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)

  • The Sustainable CAP replaces the previous 5-year framework, the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, and is in effect from April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2028. 
  • The Sustainable CAP initiative includes 2 agri-environmental programs.  
  • For more information:  Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

BMP Program Deadlines

Sustainable Agriculture Manitoba (SAM) OPEN 11:59 pm on Feb 11, 2025.
Resilient Agriculture Landscape Program (RALP): Carbon Sequestration and Grassland Resilience CLOSED

Environmental Farm Plan 

Access the online EFP portal  HERE
DISCLAIMER:  Once you click the link, you will be leaving the Government of Manitoba website and entering a third-party, secure webpage administered by Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP). Your personal information will not be stored on the government’s server and will be kept in the care of KAP.


EFP Farm Gate Signs

 If you already have gone through the EFP process and would like an EFP Farm Sign in recognition, please email a copy of your Statement of Completion to with "Farm Sign" in the subject area.  Arrangements will be made to get a generic 2'x2' sign to you.